Things I produced today
I posted my first videos to Vine today. Yes, I am behind. I try to experiment with about every third MUST HAVE web craze. Skipping a few here and there tends to keep the pressure off. Some of those...
View ArticleThree quick observations
Anyone know what this is? Two hints. First, the seal, which is awesome, says “La Ronde.” Second, it doesn’t have anything to do with bicycles. Saw this sign today: It could be that they are saying they...
View ArticleYou’re here for the music, I don’t blame you
This evening I did a 1,800 yard swim, toweled off and then had a 5K run. Finished at 75 percent target heart rate. The swim was about at my normal slow and sloppy pace and style. The run was probably...
View ArticleI’ve just invented the teaser-teaser
Millions of views for the teaser trailer — which was an event itself today, because modern society is a quirky place. Millions of views. And most people were probably pleased: And why not? That’s...
View ArticleOn the road
We’re heading down to the ancestral haunts for a weekend of nothing much to do. It’s a seven-hour haul, and tonight it involved a welcome break to visit with academic and journalist friends over dinner...
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